Many people don’t realize that they grew up with parents who were narcissists. And…now, they don’t know what is wrong with their lives. They don’t realize that they have continued to fill their lives with other narcissists, and this is why, no matter how hard they try, their relationships aren’t working. It’s because they haven’t known what they’re dealing with.
In these families, things sometimes seem rather normal. But…upon closer examination, there are certain “rules”. Narcissists are right and apologize for nothing. For parents who have this complex, there is no understanding that children go through developmental stages and need help to grow into healthy adults; therefore, they don’t spend time teaching their children how to do things and then they are shocked when their child makes a mistake. They then express their shock and dismay. They can’t begin to understand how or why their child or teen could have blown it like he did. The child wonders, “How could I have not known that?” and vows to never be found inadequate again. Therefore, the children tend to struggle with perfectionism and fears of inadequacy.
Furthermore, these parents cannot tolerate their child’s emotional need of them and view their child’s longings for attachment as excessively needy and, therefore, they label their child’s feelings as dramatic.
Read more about the dynamics of growing up with parents who have narcissism in the new book, You Might Be a Narcissist If… How to Identify Narcissism in Ourselves and Others and What We Can Do About It. Chapter Two is titled, “Growing Up in a Narcissistic Family” and has several real life examples.
The origins of narcissism are explained in Chapter 3: The Creation of Narcissism… You might be shocked about what actually creates narcissistic injuries and traits. Chapter 4 is: The Struggles of the Adult Child of a Narcissistic Family.
Chapters 5and 6 clearly spell out helpful hints you can use to more effectively deal with narcissism in your spouse, your parent or in-law, your friends, other family members, co-workers, your boss, fellow committee members, or even your own adult children.
This book was written by two psychotherapists and a psychiatrist with decades of both personal and professional experience dealing with narcissism.
Want to know more about narcissists? Get your copy of You Might Be a Narcissist If: How to Identify Narcissism in Ourselves and Others and What We Can Do About It today!