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“We continually see numerous lives, marriages, and families, even churches, torn apart from the destructive forces of narcissism. However, what we know to be true…is that it is a rare person who intentionally sets out to destroy his own life or the lives of the people he loves. Until we each become more conscious of which attitudes, feelings and behaviors inadvertently hurt ourselves or others, we tend to go on for years repeating the same patterns…communicating in the same ways…not setting healthy boundaries, and so on… Life can become utterly frustrating and exhausting! However, when we know what the issues are, we can change. It is so invigorating to know that we don’t have to stay stuck…even if we’re not the one struggling with narcissism…we can change the way we relate to the people who do.”
~Paul Meier, Lisa Charlebois, Cynthia Munz
Authors of You Might Be A Narcissist If…